Today’s Note


I just finished watching a Ted Talk about what constitutes a good life. And Various researchers since the 1930’s came to the conclusion that have strong happy relationships is the number one thing that allows you to have a good life. It was not money, fame, or working hard. It was deep connections with the ones you love the most. What I took away from this was to appreciate every second you are with your family members, girlfriend or boyfriend or anyone you spend most of your time with. Just Be Happy!! Have a Good Day Everyone!! 

Young Trailblazer 

Spring Break!!!


A time to recuperate from all the work you’ve been putting in at school. A time to catch up on your life dreams and a time to write on WordPress HAHAHA!

Never stop persevering, keep on focusing on your goal and be the first one to do what you want. Because no one wishes the same dream. We all have millions of different thoughts, so think on your own and create the best path for yourself. Love Yourself! Smile! and Take a deep breath! and let it go!!! Have a good night everyone! and find happiness from within.

Young Trailblazer